3 ways to care for your wooden blinds

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Here’s How to Take Good Care of Your Wooden Blinds, and Get More Out of Them

Wooden blinds are great addition to any home, and delivers a modern and sophisticated look. However, unlike many other types of window blinds, wooden blinds necessitate special care when being maintained and cleaned. Luckily, by adapting your approach to maintenance and upkeep of your wooden blinds, you can save time on its cleaning, and make sure that you enjoy excellent returns on your investment.

After all, you want to make sure that your wooden patio blinds deliver many years of excellent service. This also delivers far greater value for money over the long run. So let’s take a look at how you can clean your blinds with ease, and make it look great throughout its lifespan.

#1 Dusting Wooden Blinds

The first approach to cleaning your wooden patio blinds is to dust it off. Avoid the urge to use rough material in this step. Instead, use a microfiber cloth, or a feather duster. Using rough material can end up unintentionally scratching the blinds.

Feather dusters or microfiber cloths are some of the best materials to use to quickly get rid of built up dust on your blinds. This is because microfiber cloths attach themselves to tiny fibres of dirt, and they’re also capable of picking up particles that a standard rag would simply miss.

#2 Don’t Use Harsh Chemicals On Your Wooden Blinds

Again, resist the urge to use chemicals when maintaining your patio blinds. There’s no need to use any type of harsh chemicals on your blinds. Warm water should be sufficient to get caked on dirt and grime off your blinds. You’ll also not want to drench your blinds in water in the first place.

Use a damp cloth and wipe the blinds’ slats down. Don’t leave water settling on the blinds. Lightly wipe each side of the slat, and make sure that you get all corners of the slat. It’s never recommended to wash wooden slats with water more than about twice a year, as exposure to water can be potentially damaging. However, if you maintain your dusting rituals regularly, there won’t be any need for heavy duty cleaning throughout the year.

#3 Vacuum Blinds

Can you use a vacuum cleaner to clean wooden blinds? Yes, if you have the right attachment. Many people are surprised to learn that the brush attachment that comes with most common vacuum cleaners can be used to easily clean their patio blinds. These brushes tend to be perfectly suited for use on wooden blinds, but there are some that might be too harsh.

Use your judgement, and if appropriate, use your brush attachment scoop up the loosening dust that becomes dislodged as you dust the blinds while vacuuming it. This makes it just that much more convenient to clean your blinds, and take care of it. Always ensure that your wooden blinds are completely dry before rolling it back up, as any residual moisture might end up causing irreversible damage.

In Search of Beautiful Wooden Blinds for Your Patio? You’ve Come to the Right Place

At Blinds Mart, we are experts in the manufacturing and supply of beautiful patio blinds. We also only use the finest quality raw materials in all our blinds, which guarantee that you receive the very best quality blinds available on the market. Our unwavering commitment to quality and style has helped us to remain at the top of our industry.

Let us offer you window blinds in both contemporary and classic designs, and help you get the most out of your new blinds. To learn more about us, and find out what we can do for you, contact us today. We look forward to helping you harness the beauty of quality wooden blinds for your patio.

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